DCOC administrators will work collaboratively with clinical investigators and staff to optimize and implement clinical trials that address the challenging health needs of children living in IDeA states. By expanding the reach of clinical trial recruitment to traditionally under-funded states, researchers and clinicians will receive a better understanding of public health in these areas and in populations that may have been underrepresented in such trials traditionally.
The NIH-funded project Comparative Assessment for Environments of Trauma Care (CAFE) (1R01GM111324-01A1) aims to develop a web service that allows representatives in interested institutions to pre-assess the organizational structure of their trauma center or trauma system and to learn about possible optimizations.
The goal of the project is to reduce preventable medication errors by creating a new paradigm that would more effectively synthesizing existing PDDI knowledge, and more rapidly producing evidence to fill in knowledge gaps. The project will combine Linked Data and semantic annotation with both user- centered and data-driven knowledge curation to provide more complete, accurate, and current PDDI decision support than is currently possible.